Artwork by Steven Grundy The long awaited Ethereum "Merge" is finally upon us. I've heard people say "So what". So what? I think they don't understand the implications of the merge. Either that or they really are betting against Ethereum. I think this upgrade is probably the biggest thing for Ethereum since smart contracts first came out. This change has the possibility of upsetting the apple cart in terms of Ethereum and BTC. That's a big claim, but I really think it's possible. The Ethereum Merge has been set for the week of September 19th, 2022. The merge is when the Ethereum execution layer will be joined with the new proof of stake consensus layer. What does that mean and why should I care? What it means is that Ethereum will be changing from an energy intensive Crypto coin like all others to a 99% more efficient crypto coin like only a few have done. Right now Ethereum is mined just like BTC and a host of other Crypto cur...