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Luminar Photo Editing - Locks up in Version 4

If you are a fan of Skylum's Luminar software like  I am, you may have been disappointed, like I was, if your experience with 4.0 was like mine.

One of the main reasons to get 4.0 is the great improvements they've made in that AI photo manipulation.  One of the things they do that almost works like magic is the AI-based "Automatic Sky Replacement".  It does just what it sounds like, but it does it almost perfectly well and in a matter of seconds.  What would take me a good 15 to 30 minutes to do, you can now do with 2-3 clicks of the mouse. The problem is/was, that function on version 4.0 didn't work for me and judging from the comment boards, it didn't work for a lot of people.

One thing I don't get about Skylum is they allow customers to post their bugs, complaints, and questions on the public-facing BBS, but they always send the answer directly to the customer via DM.  So you might search the board for help on sn issue, find that same issue posted by others 5 or 6 times, and in every case, the official response will be something like "I just DM'd you something that will fix it".  What's the point behind that?  Do they want their customers to see all the problems but not see how easy they may be to fix?

And speaking of easy to fix, let's circle back to the AI Sky Replacement.  I can't say this fix will work for everyone, but I kind of bet it will.  For my Windows 7 box, I ran the 4.8 dot-NET update at this link and it immediately fixed my issue:

.NET Framework 4.8

You will have to allow a total reboot after running that, but that's it.  When my machine came back up, the first thing I did was fire up Luminar with a good sky photo and sure enough, it worked as advertised, if not better than advertised. 

It's always a bummer to encounter a bug like this, but in this case, it was worth the effort just to see the functionality in action.  Truly a great piece of coding.


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