If you've ever coded for multiple display types, especially the web and then iPhone screens, and just for grins throw in some Android screens including a few "Tablets" just for fun.
My experience is you can pretty much just lump the Android screens in with your PC or MAC screens. They tend to be a fairly common size and they are fairly well behaved. But when it comes to iOS screens, all bets are off.
Is it a small phone, or a big iPad., Is it HD display or not. What is the input method, touch, type, or Pen? Each of these require a different level of precision.
As I am writing the post today, we already have well over 10 pixel densities. Common ones include
- ldpi
- mdpi
- hdpi
- xhdp
- xxhdpi
- xxxhdpi
- nodpi
- tvdpi
To help with all of this, I found two great sources. One does a great job of explaining iOS displays.
Nowadays, not just iOS displays but may Android displays as well. The other does a great job of everything else. I checked out my little Pulse Oximeter device the other day and sure enough it had a double density display on it. Who would have guessed?
This next one is a great source on display densities.
It's almost impossible to be perfect with basically unlimited combinations, but I hope these helps a little. They did for me.
"Pixel Density, Demystified. How pixel density works and hot it affects your designs".
Published June, 9, 2016. URL: https://medium.com/@peternowell/pixel-density-demystified-a4db63ba2922
iOS Device Compatibility Reference. No Publishing Date.
Author Unknown. URL: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/DeviceInformation/Reference/iOSDeviceCompatibility/Displays/Displays.html
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