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If Trump committed Treason, why did Biden just let him go?

I'm not a conspiracy guy.  I've never written about conspiracies, and I don't believe in any.  This is not about a conspiracy.  This is speculation, based upon available facts, regarding Trump's cache of Top Secret documents.  It's the what and why of them not being where they are supposed to be.

When Edward Snowden released thousands of top-secret documents into the wild in June of 2013, the Intelligence Community was alarmed and for good reason. Not only was the number of Top-Secret documents released substantial – the Australians claiming 15,000 of their documents were exposed, British officials acknowledging 58,000 of theirs, and a declassified Defense Intelligence Agency report said 900,000 DOD files were exposed. In addition to this,160,000 operational NSA emails and 7,900 classified files taken from over 11,000 accounts were also revealed.  Later estimates by U.S. Officials puts the total number of NSA documents alone that were disseminated by Snowden at 1.7 million.

So, who's worse, Snowden or Trump? Trump's cache is “only” estimated to be from 78 to 178 classified documents, so obviously Snowden wins on the sheer breadth of his crime. But not so fast; as Lucius Seneca used to say, “It is quality rather than quantity that matters”. No doubt Snowden released a huge cache of documents, but the ones that Trump compromised at Mar-a-Lago contained some of the U.S.’s most important secrets.

If just one of Trump's documents somehow ended up in Putin's hands, and if that document, for example, detailed what the U.S. would-and-would-not-do in the case of Russia invading the Ukraine, that single document could end up costing a lot more than the entire Snowden cache.

I’d like to say I'm just making that up as a worst case scenario, but that wouldn’t be the truth. Unfortunately, it is now looking like that scenario may be exactly what transpired.

If some highly reliable sources are right, there is the possibility that those exact documents, the ones detailing the U.S. operational plans for a Russian invasion of allied countries in and around Ukraine, were contained in the document cache that was held at Mar-a-Lago and are now missing. That's a nightmare scenario and several agencies are starting to panic.

What are the chances that there is a big safety deposit box containing about a billion dollars somewhere in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia come to mind for some reason?), earmarked for Trump's retirement? Now, I'm not suggesting Trump did that; I honestly don’t think he's smart enough to work out a deal like that. But what I am suggesting is that some of the people in his close inner-circle are capable of carrying off a deal like that for him.  That’s not that farfetched given the Trump wheeling and dealings with Putin and the Russian mafia that are already proven and, on the record (Washington Post, March 29, 2019).

What would, and or should we do about it? If that turned out to be true, would we convict Trump of espionage or treason? If convicted, could he even eligible for execution? We all know the death penalty has been abolished, so what happened to executing someone for treason? It turns out the abolition of the death penalty does not apply to the Federal Government. They'll still happily execute anyone for espionage, treason, or even just murder. In fact, you don't even have to look that far back to see the last federal execution. On January 16th, 2021, Dustin Higgs was executed by the U.S. Federal Government for the crime of murder.

President Trump surrounded by Top Secret documents found at Mar-a-Lago

I’m sure you are thinking, should we be suspicious about the documents turning up at Biden’s home?  At first blush, it seems there are several ways that the top security documents got into Biden's house and notoriously, next to his Corvette. But there are two ways that are the most meaningful.

The first is the innocuous view of Joe Biden bringing them home on purpose, and leaving them there, or somebody else bringing them to his house for a meeting and Biden not even knowing they were there. The second way isn't as kosher. The second view has them being planted there for nefarious reasons. I don’t think anyone would be surprised if that turned out to be the case. 

But I would suggest there's a third possibility. What if the Democrats, or at least somebody in Joe Biden's inner circle, with or without his knowledge, left them there on purpose to take some of the pressure off Trump's document problem?

Wonder why the Dems would do that? It would seem to be counterproductive for them.  Well, it’s possible because Biden is a true patriot who wants what's best for the country. That, and because there is nothing the Intelligence Community hates more than the limelight. Visibility and intense scrutiny on something like the leak of Top Security documents, especially scrutiny by the legislative branch, can get agents killed and untold years of work destroyed.

If they’ve done their calculus right, they figure they can orchestrate a small-scale document scandal involving Biden, and the heat will be off Trump. After a while, the long-drawn-out “Stolen Documents” story gets regulated to the back pages, and a bored public moves on. In the meantime, the government nails Trump for a few of the easy-to-prove yet still serious charges against him, and he'll go away for good. All of that for what most likely won’t even be a blemish on Biden’s presidential transcript.

In the end, the Intelligence Community gets a reprieve, as does Trump, that is until he is beaten down for some of the most serious federal crimes on record. Biden? He gets to do what he does best: kissing babies and continuing to be a true patriot of this messed up country of ours.


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