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Showing posts from 2021

Well Ain't that a Pisser...

Sometimes you just have to say WTF.  Today is one of those days.  I decided to jump in and buy a new iPhone 13 Pro Max.  I've had one iPhone or another basically since they first came out.  I've always had the big ones because I'm a big guy and the small ones just feel like a toy in my mealy hands. I shopped online for about an hour and finally decided to get what I started out thinking I'd want, an iPhone 13 Pro Max 512Gb.  Luckily, there were plenty in stock, so I picked one from the Apple store at Old Orchard and set it up for delivery between 10:00 - 12:00 the coming Saturday, about 2 days away. It was currently late on Wednesday night and the next day was Thanksgiving, so waiting until Saturday posed no problem at all. I actually noted to myself that what I just done to purchase the phone was a pretty satisfactory experience.  It is always a nightmare dealing with phone carriers, and that's why I didn't buy it from Verizon.  But it was surprisingl...
 If you've ever coded for multiple display types, especially the web and then iPhone screens, and  just  for grins throw in some Android screens including a few "Tablets" just for fun. My experience is you can pretty much just lump the Android screens in with your PC or MAC screens.  They tend to be a fairly common size and they are fairly well behaved. But when it comes to iOS screens, all bets are off.   Is it a small phone, or a big iPad., Is it HD display or not.   What is the input method, touch, type, or Pen?  Each of these require a different level of precision.  As I am writing the post today, we already have well over 10 pixel densities.  Common ones include  ldpi mdpi hdpi xhdp xxhdpi xxxhdpi nodpi tvdpi To help with all of this, I found two great sources.  One does a  great job of explaining iOS displays. Nowadays, not just iOS displays but may Android displays as well.  The other does a great job of e...